This blog is a work in progress.


Hello World!

Cover Image for Hello World!
Anthony Manikhouth
Anthony Manikhouth

There isn't a day by where I don't get help on the internet. People are so good at writing good tutorials and guides, it amazes me how much I can learn from those smart people that made so much research before I did. For example Stack Overflow is filled with people that are passionate and willing to help and you rarely find a snippet that is as helpful as the one they posted.

But recently learning a new language and also coming from a popular ecosystem like Javascript, I found the lack of some language usage among the developers to be a problem. Discovering Rust is a great example of this. Even though I've never loved learning a new language as much as I did with Rust and even if the book and the cookbook are such great resources that it is one of the first time that I've actually read one of these, its lack of community can sometimes be a bit of a challenge. Tutorials and guides, when they exist, are great, but often lack on specific topics that are covered in other languages. For example, password encryption is a topic hugely covered in NodeJS and other web oriented frameworks, but sadly too rarely documented in Rust.

With this blog I hope to share some of the problems I've come across and the respective solutions I've found.